Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Holidays!

It is amazing to think that Christmas is less than a week away! I hope you all have your shopping done and making memories with your family and friends this holiday season.

Like most holidays this is a busy, but exciting time! I was interviewed by a talk show host from Sioux Falls, ND this week. It's great to speak to people from all over the country about my series and my passion for books.

Keep an eye out for my new book, Shiner's Return. It is on its way to be published in January 2010. What a great start to the new year!

Feel free to look me up on facebook as well! I would love to be your friend!

Happy holidays!
Nolan Carlson

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Face Book Friends

To my new Face Book Friends. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We surely did. In fact, we had two big dinners and watched a whole lot of football. Our Kansas Teams (KSU and KU) will not be going bowling this year which is pretty depressing, but there's always next year. I have a son-in-law who is a great cook and he did most of the cooking for Thanksgiving. His stuffing was amazing. Well, here we are now thinking about Christmas. Time goes by too quickly. Take care.